
Australia has a genuine competitive advantage in natural resource-based industries. Australia's prospective geology, large uninhabited tracts of land, good mining conditions and skilled workforce have made it attractive for exploration.This has resulted in Australia now having a good mix of mature and greenfield projects and the potential to lift production to meet growth in demand into the next century. However, the resource industry in Australia has had to deal with a number of adverse influences.As discussed prices of nearly all commodities have declined in real terms, input costs have increased, and environmentalists and others have been successful in significantly reducing the area of land accessible to the industry, even for exploration.Superimposed over these influences is the fact that with most resource projects, there is a long time horizon between a substantial initial investments and the recoupment of that capital.In recent years in Australia, the exploration and development activity required to take the industry to a position in which it is able to meet long-term growth in demand has not taken place. The industry will ultimately survive short-term factors, such as the downturn in world commodity markets. Of more importance to Australia is how it compares with other countries in the cost of capital and infrastructure services, security of tenure, the level of taxation, land access, the pace of micro-economic reform, the cost and reliability of labour and the attractiveness of our industry to foreign investment.The Australian minerals industry, despite the low profits of recent years, is structurally sound and has improved its competitiveness. The industry has the potential to grow strongly over the next decade and be the preferred supplier of minerals particularly to the Asia Pacific region in the 21st century.

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