
Rectorate building of Mataram Islamic State University was designed of four story building and startedunder construction on 2008. However, the construction was aborted due to lack of administrationmanagement and left the building under incomplete condition with only foundation and the first floorerected. Ten years afterward, the management decided to continue construct the building. This studyaimed to investigate the condition of existing building whether can be rebuilt properly corresponding tothe previous design. The investigation included structural cracks that happened on structural element aswell as the deflection of structural beams. The conditions of existing structural column have also beeninvestigated.The assessment process was conducted both on field and laboratory testing. The field testing was run withSchmidt Rebound Hammer test to know the compressive strength of structural concrete and its quality.The waterpass, theodolite, and tape measurement were used to measure the building geometric. SAP2000 computer package was used to analyze the structure. Loading test was carried out base on the totalmeasurement test which was required in SNI 03-2847-2002. The total measurement load of 700 kg/m2was employed representing U = 85% (1,4D + 1,7L), where D was dead load and L was live load. In thisstudy, the loading test was conducted on 300/700 and 200/500 size beams.Test result indicated that the qualities and the concrete compressive strengths on the buildingconstruction elements were varied. Steel reinforcement of structural columns was good enough towithstand the load, but, the column concrete strength should be improved. On the beam of 300/700 in thefirst floor, the deflection did not exceed the maximum deflection based on the code. However, themaximum deflection on 200/500 beam was 6.92 mm > 5.85 mm (maximum allowable deflection) andpermanent deflection after loading of 2.31 mm > 1.46 mm (maximum allowable permanent deflection).Therefore, rehabilitation and retrofitting of structural columns and 200/500 mm beam are essential.

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