
Over the past 20 years, many scales have been created to measure general attitudes toward People with HIV/AIDS (PWA). A high correlation between negative attitudes toward PWA and rejecting attitudes toward homosexuality has been demonstrated in many studies, which may suggest that although the scales posit to examine "attitudes toward PWA," they may actually tap into attitudes toward homosexuals with HIV/AIDS. These scales may be inappropriate to use for examining attitudes toward other groups of people with HIV/AIDS (e.g., heterosexual women). The present researchers developed and validated the Attitudes Toward Women with HIV/AIDS Scale (ATWAS). Principal components analysis of the ATWAS yielded a four-factor structure accounting for 48.6% of the total variance of attitudes toward women with HIV/AIDS. The four factors were Child Care, Myths/Negative Stereotypes, Reproduction/Contraception issues, and Sympathy/Transmission Route. The ATWAS was found to have good internal consistency (r = .82) and construct validity.

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