
The article condemns the problem of the attitude of university students to distance learning in the conditions of the spread of coronavirus. It describes the results of a study, the main purpose of which is to show how the attitude of students to the conditions for obtaining education in a distance format is changing. The article indicates that distance learning has become a forced form of student training due to the pandemic and the widespread lockdown in April 2020. Neither teachers nor students had been prepared for distance learning, this caused a negative attitude to the educational process, which could not but affect its results. The article gives the concept of distance learning, briefly describes its history, discusses the advantages and disadvantages. The results of a survey of students in May 2020 and in May 2021 are presented in order to clarify the changes in their attitude to distance learning. The analysis of the questionnaire showed that for many students, adaptation to distance learning was quite difficult. The majority of the surveyed students preferred traditional contact training and with great problems and reluctance studied in a distance format, which has both subjective and objective reasons. In May 2021, a repeated survey of students was conducted, which showed significant changes over the past year in relation to remote technologies. Despite the fact that the value of daily contact with teachers and classmates remains high for students, they do not deny the opportunity to study remotely. The results of the study show that the development of distance learning skills by students affects the attitude to it. The article describes the conditions for the effectiveness of distance learning in the modern realities of education.

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