
Human anatomy education at undergraduate level has become rather complicated as in many other disciplines due to rapid development of new education-training methods such as use of audiovisual material, internet based learning, virtual reality simulation, and multimedia learning which creates some sort of educational complexity. The mode of education and training which is an interaction period between the instructor and the learner may have a significant impact on the attitude of the students towards a spesific course. Hence, it is critical to identify the attitute of the students regarding the human anatomy education while considering their demographic characteristics. In accordance with this purpose a questionnaire was implemented to 316 students who took the human anatomy course in the Near East University; 198 of the students were female and 118 were male. The 39.2% of the participants of the study had only theoretical sessions while 60.8% had theoretical and practical sessions of anatomy. The students’ attitude were assessed by means of questionnaire that has been developed by Bahceci in 2006; it included 24 questions for the attitude towards the human anatomy course while 14 questions formed the demographic part of the questionnaire. The students of the faculty of medicine, faculty of dentistry, faculty of pharmacy, and faculty of health sciences were included in the study. PASS (Power and Sample Size) Version 15.0 was used for calculating the sample size while two step systematic strafied sampling method was used for the sample selection. Level of significance was set at 0.05. The results showed that two of the subscales namely involvement and preconception as well the total score were statistically significantly higher for the group who had both theoretical and practical anatomy sessions compared to the ones who had anatomy course only through the theoretical lectures. Keywords: Anatomy, Health Sciences, Student Attitude, Teaching and Learning

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