
The Attention Network Test (ANT) has been applied to the study of potential attentional impairments in diverse neuropathologies in the last years. This test allows analyzing of different networks involved in attentional processing (alerting, orientation and executive system). A specific application of ANT in ADHD patients shows that it is possible to find diverse impairments in the three attentional networks and even some studies revealed no alterations. Potential causes of this heterogeneity in the results could be based in methodological variations between studies, other pathological conditions in the participants and the network effects calculation that has been probed that could be wrongly interpreted. Despite the lack of conclusive results, this test shows multiple applications that would allow disentangling diverse cognitive impairments in ADHD patients. ANT could analyze diverse cognitive mechanisms that could be compromised in these patients (tonic and phasic alerting, temporal and spatial expectancy, degree of interference of the distractor stimuli, attentional blinking o inhibition of return). This test could help to perform a better characterization of ADHD patients further than the classical forms considered nowadays (unattended and combined).

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