
Although first described in the final decade of the 19th century, the axis responsible for atrioventricular conduction has long been the source of multiple controversies. Some of these continue to reverberate. When first described by His, for example, many doubted the existence of the bundle we now name in his honour, while Kent suggested that multiple pathways crossed the atrioventricular junctions in the normal heart. It was Tawara who clarified the situation, although many of his key definitions have not universally been accepted. In key studies in the third decade of the 20th century, Mahaim then suggested the presence of ubiquitous connections that provided "paraspecific" pathways for atrioventricular conduction. In this review, we show the validity of these original investigations, based on our own experience with a large number of datasets from human hearts prepared by serial histological sectioning. Using our own reconstructions, we show how the atrioventricular conduction axis can be placed back within the heart. We emphasise that newly emerging techniques will be key in providing the resolution to map cellular detail to the gross evidence provided by the serial sections.

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