
Abstract This paper describes the development of and simulations with a regional scale sea ice dynamics model for obtaining short‐range, real‐time or near real‐time predictions of ice conditions for operational use. This model is an adaptation of the seasonal sea ice dynamic/thermodynamic model developed at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL). It consists of (1) a momentum equation that includes air‐to‐ice stress, water‐to‐ice stress, internal ice stress, Coriolis force, and the pressure gradient force due to tilt of the sea surface; (2) a constitutive law that relates ice stress to strain rate and ice strength; and (3) continuity equations for ice thickness and concentration. For treating internal ice stress, the model uses a viscous‐plastic constitutive law with plastic strength dependent on thickness and concentration. A finite difference numerical procedure is used for solving the equations. To obtain numerical simulations, the Regional Ice Model (RIM) is applied over the Beau...

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