
10 years after the previous regional atlas (PAL) (Boano et alii, 1995) the Ornithological Societies of Lazio (SROPU, GPRO, GAROL, GOC e Parus ) with the support of Regional Parks Agency (ARP) decided to update the inventory and distribution of breeding species in the Region. The project follows the European standard proposed by EOAC (European Ornithological Atlas Committee) for collecting qualitative data on atlas and by the Italian Breeding Bird Monitoring Program called MITO2000 (Italian Ornithological Monitoring) for collecting quantitative data. The Atlas project provides for the collection of data from 2000, utilizing the records collected during the MITO2000 program and those from to 2006-2008 in specific samplings. As of 2007 the data archive of PAUNIL contained 51.343 records relating to 183 breeding species. The average species for each RU (recording units of 10x10 km) is 54.4 (± 14.5 DS). All the 10 species with more sightings belong to Passerines (Sylvia atricapilla, Turdus merula, Corvus corone cornix, Passer italiae, Fringilla coelebs, Carduelis carduelis, Parus major, Serinus serinus, Luscinia megarhynchos, Hirundo rustica).

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