
Polymorphism of Cu2(OH)3Cl coupled with partial substitution of Jahn–Teller active Cu2+ by other divalent metal cations gives rise to the complex mineralogy of the atacamite family of secondary basic copper chlorides. Herbertsmithite, Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2, in which Zn substitutes for one quarter of the Cu atoms, provides a lattice of corner-sharing triangles of paramagnetic Cu2+ (spin ½) cations, rendering the mineral a perfect realization of a kagome antiferromagnet. Geometric frustration of conventional antiferromagnetism is expected to give rise to exotic ground states, with dynamic magnetic structures that might turn out to be physical realizations of quantum spin liquids. In this paper, a synopsis of the key topological, compositional and behavioural features of minerals in the atacamite family is given, with emphasis on the kagome character of the resulting lattice of Cu2+ cations.

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