
AbstractThe analytical methods adopted by the AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists) are used by government agencies concerned with the analysis of fertilizers, foods, feeds, pesticides, drugs, cos‐metics, hazardous substances, and other materials related to agriculture, health and welfare, and the environment. AOAC methods are also used by indus‐try to check compliance of their products. The AOCS and AOAC have cooperated in the past in achieving common methodology for fatty acids, hydrocarbons and mineral oils, and monoglycerides. Present cooper‐ative effort centers primarily in the mycotoxins area. The various methods adopted by the AOAC appear in the book, Official Methods of Analysis, which is published every five years with annual supplements. The 12th edition was published in January 1975. Industrial scientists cannot be full or active members but they can serve as associate members of the AOAC. Active membership is limited to government scientists. Industry can and should, however, partici‐pate in the activities of the AOAC‐particularly in the key task of developing, testing, and validating methods of analysis. Uniform methodology should be the goal of all societies. The purpose of this paper is twofold: (a) to explain the structure, functions, and goals of the AOAC; and (b) to inform potential industrial representatives how they may participate in the Association’s activities.

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