
Aim of the study: The purpose of this study is to investigate the complemen tary/alternative medicine (CAM) usage and the factors affecting this among can cer patients in the western region of Turkey. 220 adult cancer patients par ticipated in the study and 93 patients (42.3%) were found to use at least one CAM method. Material and methods: Our study was done by face-to-face communication in auniversity hospital, in Turkey. Oncolo gy patients’ primary diseases, sociode mographic characteristics, complemen tary alternative medicine usage, psychological conditions and quality of life were evaluated with proper psy chological scales. Patients using and not using CAM were compared with re spect to Beck Depression, State Trait Anx iety and Beck Hopelessness scores. No statistically significant difference was de tected between/among the groups in BDI (12.0 ±8.4, 11.9 ±8.7, p = 0.96), BHS (5.5 ±4.9, 4.8 ±4.4, p = 0.27) or STAI (43.7 ±8.0, 44.3 ±8.2, p= 0.64) scores. Pa tients using and not using CAM were compared with respect to WHOQOLBREF quality of life scores. There was no statistically significant difference be tween/among the groups in WHOQOLBREF sub-group scores (physical, psy chological, social relations, environment, standardized by culture (environment), general health). Results: Nearly half of the patients (42.3%) in this region were found to be using at least one of the CAM methods. The patients mostly preferred herbal methods, with the leading product be ing stinging nettle ( Urtica dioica ). The severity of disease (recurrence and dis semination) and patients’ knowledge of the diagnoses were the most important factors affecting the CAM usage. Conclusions: The usage of CAM by on cology patients and the effects of CAM on the present medication prescribed by oncology practitioners must be remem bered when they are admitted to poly clinics. Also it must be known that pa tients with advanced stage and patients with recurrence are more likely to use complementary alternative medications than early stage patients. Therefore on cology patients must be informed about CAM besides their clinical situations. At least physicians should give answers about the CAM to their patients.

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