
To investigate the association of chemokine gene polymorphisms and Behcet's disease (BD) and Vogt Koyanagi Harada (VKH) disease in a Chinese Han population. A case-control study was performed. Three hundred and seventy-one BD patients, 371 VKH disease patients, and 605 healthy controls were recruited to determine genetic variants of 26 SNPs in 12 chemokine genes with iPLEX Gold genotyping assay and Sequenom MassARRAY or TaqMan SNP assays. In this study, Puncorr values showed a weak association of five SNPs of five genes in BD and three SNPs of three genes in VKH disease. However, after Bonferroni correction, the 26 investigated SNPs showed no significant differences in genetic variants, including genotype and allele frequencies, between BD or VKH disease patients and healthy individuals. Haplotype analysis for the chemokine genes showed a significant association with the TC haplotype of CXCL12 in VKH. Stratified gender analysis and genotype-phenotype analysis were conducted to analyze the association of the 26 SNPs of 12 chemokine genes with BD and VKH disease. However, no significant association was observed after Bonferroni correction. This study showed no association of 26 SNPs in 12 chemokine genes with both BD and VKH disease in a Chinese Han population.

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