
There is limited information regarding the potential effect macronutrients have on postprandial glycemic variability in young children with type 1 diabetes (T1D). To date, studies examining nutrition and glycemic outcomes either assess these factors at a single timepoint, or aggregate large datasets for group level analyses. This study examined how inter- and intraindividual fluctuations in carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake impact glycemic variability in the postprandial period for young children with T1D. Thirty-nine young children, aged 2-6 years, wore a continuous glucose monitor for 72 hr, while their parents completed detailed diet records of all food intake. The analyses tested three multilevel models to examine intra- and interindividual differences between food intake and postprandial glycemic variability. The results suggest carbohydrate intake, relates to greater postprandial glycemic variability. In contrast, the results reveal the inverse effect for protein, suggesting a tendency for young children who ate more protein at some meals to have lower postprandial glycemic variability, with the exception of lunch. There was no effect for fat on postprandial glycemic variability. These results suggest protein consumption may be an important consideration when aiming for optimal glycemic levels for some meals. When counseling parents of young children with T1D on common behaviors underlying glycemic excursion, pediatric psychologists may consider discussing the nutritional make up of children's meals. Further, the results demonstrate retaining longitudinal data at the person level, versus aggregating individual data for group level analyses, may offer new information regarding macronutrient intake and glycemic outcomes.

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