
Although hospitals have been the traditional setting for interventional and rehabilitative care, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) can offer a high-quality and less costly alternative than hospitals. Unfortunately, the financial health of SNFs is often a matter of concern. To partially address these issues, SNF leaders have increased engagement in a number of affiliations to assist in improving quality and reducing operational costs, including Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), and participation in Bundled Payment for Care Improvement (BPCI) programs. What is not well understood is what impact these affiliations have on the financial viability of the host organizations. Given these factors, this study aims to identify what association, if any, exists between SNF affiliations and revenue generation. Data from calendar year 2022 for n=13,447 SNFs in the US were assessed using multivariate regression analysis. We evaluated two separate dependent measures of revenue generation capacity: net patient revenue per bed and net patient revenue per discharge and considered three unique facility affiliations including (1) ACOs, (2) HIEs, and (3) BPCI participants. Six multivariable linear regressions revealed that ACO affiliation is negatively associated with revenue generation on both dependent measures, while HIE affiliation and BPCI participation reflected mixed results. A better understanding of the financial impact of SNFs' affiliations may prove insightful. By carefully considering the value of each affiliation, and how each is applicable to any given market, policymakers, funding agencies, and facility leaders may be able to better position SNFs for more sustainable financial performance in a challenging economic environment.

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