
Introduction: The pattern of meniscus tear has significant impact onsubsequent rehabilitation and functional outcome as theyare usually associated with ACL injury.Knowledge about associated meniscus tear helps to identifypatients in the early post-traumatic phase. 
 Objectives: To study meniscus tear patterns and associationbetween different tear patterns of meniscus in ACLinjured subjects and to identify potential demographic andother associated risk factors.
 Methodology: Routine arthroscopic findings database of 54 patientsoperated for primary ACL reconstruction from January 2017to December 2018 was used to study associated tear of meniscus. Based on arthroscopic evaluation, cases weregrouped into meniscus having no tear, minor tear and majortear. Major tear included complete radial tears, root tearsand unstable longitudinal tears including bucket-handletears.
 Result: Totalarthroscopycasesinthestudydurationwere124.Ofthose,43% (n=54) underwent ACL reconstruction (ACLR) for tornACL. Among the patients who underwent ACLR, 58% had notear, 26%hadminortears, and16%hadmajortears ofthemeniscus. Therewere significant differencesbetweenthree groups for gender, age groupsandmechanism of injury. Risk factors formajortearsweremalegenderandage<30years.Minorandmajortears were associated with a contact injury.
 Conclusion: Male, age <30 years and history of contact injury havehigh risks for having an associated meniscus tear. Earlyreferral to magnetic resonance imaging and/or arthroscopyis recommended to allow meniscus repair in a timelymanner.


  • Rou ne arthroscopic findings database of 54 pa ents operated for primary Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruc on from January 2017 to December 2018 was used to study associated tear of meniscus

  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are commonly associated with meniscus tears with a prevalence rate of approximately 55% to 65%.-Associated meniscal tears are strong predictors for the development and progression of osteoarthri s (OA) of knee and worse pa ent reported outcomes in ACL reconstructed pa ents, especially if total or par al meniscectomy has been performed.[6]

  • The significance of meniscus repair is that the preserva on of meniscus is associated with decreased risk for osteoarthri s compared to meniscectomy.[6]

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Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are commonly associated with meniscus tears with a prevalence rate of approximately 55% to 65%.-Associated meniscal tears are strong predictors for the development and progression of osteoarthri s (OA) of knee and worse pa ent reported outcomes in ACL reconstructed pa ents, especially if total or par al meniscectomy has been performed.[6] preserva on of meniscal ssue as much as possible and meniscus repair if indicated is increasingly preferred over meniscectomy combined with ACL reconstruc on.[7]. Medial meniscus tears are more common with chronic ACL insufficiency while lateral meniscus tears are more prevalent in acute ACL injuries.[8] The complexity of meniscus tears increases in the chronic stage and the tears become less repairable.[9,10] The significance of meniscus repair is that the preserva on of meniscus is associated with decreased risk for osteoarthri s compared to meniscectomy.[6]. Incomplete longitudinal tears and complete stable longitudinal tears affect minimally on knee joint health, can be le in situ.[11,12,13] Bucket-handle tear, root tear, complete radial tear pa erns are associated with major biomechanical bearings on knee health; so they should be repaired at the earliest possible to prevent accelerated joint degenera on.[14,15,16]

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