
Introduction. The article addresses the choice of a method used to analyze hierarchies and pairwise comparisons (hereinafter — MAH), that serve as a framework for an integrated corporate safety assessment methodology. Its application ensures the transformation of input information, obtained in the form of a characteristic description of an assessed event, into the resulting assessment that has a weighted numerical value.Goals and objectives. The main purpose of the article is to obtain an assessment result in respect of the actions that are added to industrial and fire safety checklists applied to assure the integrated safety of an enterprise. A selected MAH is used to make pairwise comparisons of factors and alternatives. Values of local and global priorities can be determined for each element under study. Weighted coefficients, obtained in the form of local priorities, are related to the activities being checked, while global priorities are directly related to the services (structural units) that ensure the sustainable integrated security of an enterprise.Methods. The authors provide a rationale for the choice of MAH, which allows itemizing the values demonstrating the intensity of influence of factors and break them down into components. At the stage of synthesizing the obtained analytical results with the help of MAH, the results obtained by expertise must be verified by determining the value of the expert consistency ratio to confirm the adequacy of the obtained result.Results. The probability of influence of analyzed hazards, related to accidents and fires at the enterprises under consideration, was assessed as a function of their causes during the 7-year period under review. The article presents calculated coefficients of communication, impacts and influence made by specialists employed with respective services (structural units) on the industrial and fire safety subsystems that encompassed the integra­ted safety of an enterprise. The results of introducing correction factor g, whose dependence is expressed by final indicators of damage measured in economic (ruble) and social (human) losses, are presented.Discussion. The article focuses on the fact that the sustainable operation of industrial enterprises depends on the reliability margin of integrated corporate safety, the maintenance of which requires particular resources (financial, material resources, as well as the time, needed for the personnel to eliminate any identified deviations, etc.). Given that the resources focused on the integrated safety assurance are limited, they cannot meet all requests made by the heads of services (departments), while highly risky targeted activities need more research.

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