
Annotation. The prevention of early pregnancy loss, taking into account the polymorphism of the genes of enzymes that controlling folate metabolism, have become the goal of clinical studies in recent years, and the determination of risk factors for patients of late reproductive age and embryonic losses in history becomes critical for the development of effective measures to prevent miscarriage. The use of medical prevention of perinatal pathology using a biologically active form of folate in the form of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate in women with anamnestic loss of pregnancy looks promising. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of drug prevention in patients with anamnestic embryonic losses, taking into account the role of the rs1801133 (677 C>T) polymorphism of the MTHFR gene based on the results of the dynamics of serum levels of homocysteine, betaine, and methionine. The patients were divided into the main group (polymorphism rs1801133 (677 C>T) of the MTHFR gene and anamnestic embryonic loss), which was divided into 2 subgroups: I subgroup included 20 women who received folic acid preparations (400 μg per day), II subgroup – 20 patients who received a complex preparation containing 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and control groups (practically healthy women) (n=20). Prescribing drugs began at the pre-gravid stage 8–10 weeks before pregnancy planning, and the administration ended up to 26 weeks of pregnancy. Determination of serum homocysteine levels and markers of folate metabolism - methionine and betaine – were performed at the end of the 1st – beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and in the third trimester. In the study of the effectiveness of preventive therapy on the dynamics of markers of folate metabolism functionality in pregnant women of late reproductive age with anamnestic embryonic losses and polymorphism rs1801133 (677 C>T) of the MTHFR gene when using a combined drug containing folic acid and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, at the first end – at the beginning In the second trimester, there was a significant increase in betaine and methionine (p<0.05), while in the third trimester, a positive statistically significant difference (p<0.05) was diagnosed in an increase in methionine, betaine and a decrease in serum homocysteine levels.



  • Перспективним виглядає застосування медикаментозної профілактики перинатальної патології з використанням біологічно активної форми фолатів у вигляді 5-метилтетрагідрофолата у жінок із анамнестичною втратою вагітності. Мета дослідження - оцінити ефективність медикаментозної профілактики у пацієнток із анамнестичними ембріональними втратами із урахуванням ролі поліморфізму rs1801133

  • Метіоніну та бетаїну у вагітних жінок із анамнестичними ембріональними втратами та поліморфізмом rs1801133

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Матеріали та методи

Обстежені пацієнтки були розподілені на основну групу (поліморфізм rs1801133 (677 C>T)) гена MTHFR та анамнестичні ембріональні втрати) (n=40) та групи контролю (практично здорові жінки) (n=20). У терміні вагітності 12-15 тижнів вагітності нами була відзначена достовірно (р

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