
I have been conducting research into the feasibility of (and developing the schema for) the establishment of an online digital archive/repository designed to house the screen production and research outputs of the staff and students of Australian Screen Production Education and Research Association (ASPERA) member institutions. In conducting this research a number of significant issues facing the archive sector as a whole, and moving image archives in particular, have been identified. As all information agencies begin to grapple with the logistical issues emerging from the impending ‘digital deluge’ the very nature of the role that the moving image archive plays within the contemporary audio-visual landscape is under increasing scrutiny. The sheer volume of data produced with each ‘born digital’ audio-visual title means the issues of collection policy and curatorship, search-ability and accessibility together with preservation strategy become even more imperative. This paper articulates the rationale behind the project and identifies a number of the historical, theoretical, philosophical perspectives (and challenges) underpinning the notion of the contemporary moving image archive with particular reference as to how these bear influence on the establishment of the ASPERA online digital archive/repository.

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