
The Art of War for Small Business Becky Sheetz-Runkle AMACOM (2014) 225 pages, $14.95, paperbackSmall business is an integral part of today's economy and Sheetz-Runkle discusses how Sun Tzu's The Art of War can help small businesses succeed. Sheetz-Runkle uses her deep understanding of Sun Tzu's principles, martial arts background and her vast array of business experience to discuss how small businesses can prosper. She provides examples of how Sun Tzu's classic treatise can be applied in order to overcome bigger businesses. She accomplishes this by presenting 12 key themes that discuss strategy, positioning, planning and leadership. This book illustrates how small business leaders can use their size to their advantage in order to outmaneuver their competitors. The author takes a book based on military strategy and tactics and formulates ways in which small business owners can use these techniques to survive and thrive in today's global economy.In the first part of the book, Sheetz-Runkle covers the fundamental background of Sun Tzu's The Art of War. This section-Seize the Advantage with Sun describes the historical context of Sun Tzu's book and its importance to today's business schools. She also begins by discussing the common advantages and disadvantages faced by today's small businesses. The author recognizes that the methods Sun Tzu used to overcome larger armies can also be applied by small businesses as they work to overcome large organizations. She discusses the various translations of The Art of War and the translation methodology she utilizes for this book. Lastly, she provides advice on how not to study The Art of War.The second part of Sheetz-Runkle's book, Understanding Essential Sun Tzu, describes the basic principles presented by Sun Tzu. The author discusses one of Sun Tzu's basic tenants- understanding yourself. In order to apply this tenant the first step is to create a successful army. The author relates this concept to small businesses by recognizing the need for small businesses to be honest about their place in the market and base their performance on real-world data. She advises that if there is a conflict between perception and the data then adjustments must be made. Sheetz-Runkle presents Sun Tzu's five essentials for victory, which are described in more details throughout the book. Sun Tzu recognizes the importance of understanding yourself, but this is only half the battle. Small businesses must also possess a thorough understanding of their enemies. The author explains the importance of understanding the market and competitors by exploring marketplace factors that are based on Sun Tzu's analysis of ground. The author discusses each of Sun Tsu's nine varieties of ground and how to navigate through each type of obstacle successfully. This section concludes with a discussion of the importance of customers and business alliances.The author in the section entitled Principles for the Battlefield focuses on the characteristics necessary to become a successful small business leader. Sheetz-Runkle discusses the virtues and traits Sun Tzu believes are important for a successful general and relates them to small business owners. Central to Sun Tzu and small business owners is the ability to persevere. The author provides examples of entrepreneurs who persevered and strategies entrepreneurs can employ. Another chapter in this section is devoted to the value of focus in helping small businesses become market dominators. Following the chapter on focus, Sheetz-Runkle describes the importance of unity. The author explains that organizational members must fully embrace and share an organization's focus. …

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