
This study delved into the aroma characteristics of "Qingxiang" oolong tea, analyzing six different cultivars and their processing modes. The findings showed that both cultivars and processing modes have a significant impact on the oolong tea aroma system. The study identified 18 terpenoid volatiles (VTs), 11 amino-acid-derived volatiles (AADVs), 15 fatty-acid-derived volatiles (FADVs), 3 carotenoid-derived volatiles (CDVs), and 10 other compounds in oolong tea that differentiate it from green and black tea. The turn-over stage was found to be the primary processing stage for oolong tea aroma formation. Molecular sensory analysis revealed that the "fresh" odor attribute is the basis for its aroma, while "floral and fruity" fragrances are its aroma characteristics. The perception of oolong tea as "fresh" and "floral and fruity" is influenced by the interactions of its aroma components. These findings provide a new basis for breed improvement and process enhancement in oolong tea production.

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