
This article examines the potential and opportunities for the development of the Arctic, international cooperation in this region between subarctic and non-Arctic countries. First of all, the article considers transit opportunities of Kazakhstan in the Arctic direction, the interests of non-Arctic China in the region, as well as the prospects for cooperation between China, Russia and Kazakhstan in the development of the Irtysh river system. As a result of directed efforts, Kazakhstan can achieve the goals of diversifying the economy and developing logistics capabilities. The paper briefly talks about the resource potential of the Arctic, the level of development of river infrastructure along the Irtysh basin, as well as the cooperation achieved between Kazakhstan and Russia, and also between Russia and China. Our country should make maximum use of the transit potential of the Irtysh for access to the port of Sabetta, and then to the Northern Sea Route. It should be noted that investments in the implementation and development of the Irtysh corridor primarily have a long-term perspective.

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