
Russian Saami literature is one of the least known and studied among the Saami literatures, which determines the relevance of this work. The aim of the study is to analyse the actualisation of the archetype of the Sun in the novel by the Saami writer Nadezhda Bol'shakova "Alkhalalalay" and the associated archetypal motifs. The novelty of the study is that the archetypal content of the work is revealed for the fi rst time. To achieve this goal, the author uses the methods of hermeneutics and comparative history, which allow to fi nd archetypal subjects, images and motifs in the text, as well as to reveal the deep fundamental principles of literary heroes. The actualisation of the Sun archetype at all levels of the novel's architectonics is analysed. The archetype of the Sun in the novel is presented as a polysemic image that defi nes a number of semantic loads and performs a structure-forming function. The motifs of infi nite cyclicity, repetition, immortality, travel, the motif of getting the bride, which receives a certain transformation in the work, are revealed.

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