
The issue of the evolution of Black Sea aquatory from late Neogene until present day was subject to various studies and reenactments based on the analysis and age dating of transgressive sedimentary formations. Concerning oceanographic parameters, the surface waters temperatures, as well as the air temperature are characterized by significant differences between the two compartments, Western and Eastern. The waters temperature in vertical profile presents a stratification specific for the Black Sea. In the Black Sea there are three water layers with original properties specific only for this sea. These are the cold intermediate layer (CIL), suboxic layer (SOL) and anoxic layer. To these are added the Mediterranean water masses which enter through Bosphorus Strait in the Black Sea. Recent researches proved the existence of several circulation types in the Black Sea basin: the major surface circulation from the deep basin, the sub-basin and mesoscale surface circulation, upwelling and downwelling vertical circulation. Concerning the major surface circulation in the deep basin, there is a cyclonal current called Black Sea Rim Current in the deep basin. Within the big ring of Rim Current two cyclonic vortexes are formed, Western and Eastern, with several internal vortexes with a very active dynamics, continuously changing in time and space.

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