
During the April Revolution 0f 1960 in Korea, children impressively showed that they were members of the current society and could be the subject of political action. The children’s demonstrations at Soosong Elementary School are the most well-known example, but it is worth remembering that many street boys who were considered only objects of relief and management in society at the time, that is, street orphans whose names and affiliations are unknown, street children, shoe shiners, and newspaper sellers were also participating. The serious and furious expressions of the children protesters brought cracks to the images of ‘children of the new country’ and ‘good children’, which had been strengthened since liberation. Children’s demonstrations showed that for children who are socially disadvantaged to participate in the public square, the solidarity of fellow citizens as well as the children’s voluntary and active motivation to participate was an essential condition. Children are the beings that make us look back on the closedness of the modern citizen concept based on rational and autonomous individuals.

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