
The possibility of using titanium nickelide (TiNi) cryoapplicator in the surgery of nonparasitic cysts and liver hemangiomas was study.Material and methods. The analysis of the results of surgical treatment of patients with the use of TiNi cryoapplicator was carried out in 26 patients with nonparasitic liver cysts and in 31 patients with liver hemangiomas of various localization and diameter.Results. It was proved that the use of a TiNi cryoapplicator is as effective as a stationary cryoinstallation with a constant supply of a cryoagent (liquid nitrogen).Conclusion. The use of TiNi cryoapplicator increases the effectiveness of the action on cysts and hemangiomas of the liver, causing their cryodestruction and preventing the recurrence of these diseases, reduce blood loss and reduce trauma when using laparoscopic cryoprobes. In addition, when using the open access of Merzlikin– Paramonova, it becomes possible to manipulate with less trauma in the area of the diaphragmatic surface of the organ and the caval gates of the liver, which are difficult to access for surgical intervention from traditional incisions, especially when the pathological process is located in 7–8 segments of the liver.

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