
This study’s objective was to identify the Istana Bogor, area as an example of the English Garden Style. Bogor City is one of the cities in Indonesia related to the history of the colonial period from Dutch colonial up to British Colonial and back to Dutch Colonial. The Colonial characters can be seen in several buildings and landscapes in Bogor. One of the colonial periods, which can be seen in the unitary area between the Istana Bogor (IB - Bogor Palace) and the Bogor Botanical Gardens (KBR-Bogor Botanical Garden), it will be called the Istana Bogor area. This research was conducted using descriptive methods consisting of historic landscape architecture base on English garden Style, as a reference. The results of the Istana Bogor area design established based on the classic English garden concept with local wisdom. It can be seen from the adaptation in the Istana Bogor area. This is the best examples of the English garden style in Indonesia.

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