
The goal achieved is to find out the implementation of school-based management, know the variety of empowerment of teacher potential, and know the supporting and inhibiting factors of the implementation of school-based management in empowering teacher competencies at Mahyal Ulum Aceh Besar Vocational School. The type of research used is qualitative which is descriptive. The data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique is a qualitative descriptive analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, data interpretation, and conclusion. The results showed that the implementation of SBM in the empowerment of teacher competencies was carried out well because of the cooperation between the principal, teachers and staff. This is seen in terms of teacher competence in curriculum management, teacher competencies in education staff management, teacher competencies in student management, teacher potential in financial management, as well as the potential of teachers in providing facilities and infrastructure. The supporting factors are first, government support in the form of providing BOS funds, allocation of local government funds and granting authority in school management. Second, teacher support in the form of teaching staff who are qualified Undergraduate and Masters certified teachers. And third, student support in the form of an increasing number of students and voluntary assistance from students' parents. The inhibiting factors are infrastructure and funds are still limited and the role of the community is not yet optimal.

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