
Irritated bowel syndrome (IBS) is a leading pathology among the so-called functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The development of methods for their treatment including physiotherapeutic modalities is based on the knowledge of peculiarities of the clinical features of various forms of IBS characterized by a combination of various etiological factor, such as social conditions, pathogenetic mechanisms, and individual characteristics of the patients. Insufficient effectiveness of the medicamental treatment of irritated bowel syndrome due to poor knowledge of its nature and pathogenetic mechanisms require the application of a variety of physiotherapeutic methods and physical factors including interference currents, cryotherapy, sinusoidal modulated currents, running pulsed magnetic field, balneo- and peloidotherapy, etc.). These methods are analysed in the paper in conjunction with their analgesic and sedative effects normalizing the motor intestinal function. The authors emphasize the necessity of taking into consideration both localization and intensity of therapeutic effects for the manifestation of biological action of the applied physical factors prescribed for the treatment of irritated bowel syndrome.

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