
The simple closure of a urethrocutaneous fistula is technically easy, but direct suture tension is associated with a higher urethral fistula recurrence rate. We describe a multilayer direct closure with a longitudinal relaxing incision in urethrocutaneous fistula repair, avoiding the tension associated with the direct suturing of the surgical skin wound. From March 2015 to January 2018, 46 urethrocutaneous fistulas in 34 patients were repaired at the Hypospadias Center of our hospital. During the operations, after the urethral fistula closure, a longitudinal penile skin incision was created 0.5 to 1.5 cm from the edge of the surgical wound. The penile skin wound was closed, and the longitudinal penile skin incision made during the operation was used as a relaxing incision to reduce the skin tension of the closed fistula area. The urethral fistula repairs were successful, and no signs of infection or poor healing were present at the closure sites of the penile skin wounds. The relaxing incisions gradually healed within 7 to 21 days after operation, and the residual scars were soft and did not significantly differ in color from normal skin. The key to increasing the success rate of urethrocutaneous fistula repair is creating a longitudinal relaxing penile skin incision. The technique aims to avoid the direct suture tension of the penile skin wound, thereby providing a favorable environment for the normal healing of the urethral fistula suture site.

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