
Mathematical modeling and instrumental control as innovative methods that can justify the introduction of energy-saving measures and technical solutions in the power supply systems of industrial enterprises are described in the article. The evaluation of the implementation of innovative methods of energy saving in electric drive and power supply systems at mining enterprises showed the possibility of obtaining a multiplicative economic effect with the right approach to the introduction and subsequent operation of energy-saving technologies. The potential of energy saving in the industry in general, and in mining enterprises in particular, was shown. As an example, in some areas of enterprises, such measures as reactive power compensation, the introduction of frequency-controlled electric drive systems, the development and implementation of systems for continuous monitoring of electricity quality indicators were considered. The method of mathematical modeling was implemented using the MatLab software package, which is well-established in engineering calculations around the world. The accuracy of the simulation results reached 95%. Instrumental control was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the standards for 7 days with a 10-minute interval. Frequency deviations, slow voltage changes, non-sinusoidality, etc. were evaluated. As a result of optimization of individual electric power systems, the total economic effect due to energy savings were achieved, approaching 28 million rubles per year, which is on average 20% of the total electricity consumption in the considered areas of mining enterprises.

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