
The use of ICT in learning mathematics is not something new in order to maximize students’ mathematical abilities, especially in this modern era of industrial revolution 4.0. One of the mathematical abilities that focus on students’ development is mathematical reasoning ability. Based on this, the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of ICT learning that developed through Hippani Animator Software on students’ mathematical reasoning abilities. This is a quasi-experimental study with non-equivalent control group design involving 72 students in different classes. Learning in the experimental class was carried out using ICT conducted in computer laboratories while in the control class did not use ICT learning. The experimental class was given a treatment using ICT, while the control class was given a conventional method but with the same mathematical reasoning abilities. The research was conducted for grade VII students at the Public Islamic Junior High School called State of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTsN) 3 Kuningan to introducing statistical data presentation. The results showed that the mathematical reasoning ability of the experimental class was better than control class. It indicates that the use of ICT in mathematics learning is effective in developing students’ reasoning abilities.

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