
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder in children, characterized by social interaction, communication difficulties, and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. Existing intervention methods have limitations, such as requiring long treatment periods and needing to be more convenient to implement. Extended Reality (XR) technology offers a virtual environment to enhance children's social, communication, and self-regulation skills. This paper compares XR theoretical models, application examples, and intervention effects. The study reveals that XR intervention therapy is mainly based on cognitive rehabilitation, teaching, and social-emotional learning theories. It utilizes algorithms, models, artificial intelligence (AI), eye-tracking, and other technologies for interaction, achieving diverse intervention outcomes. Participants showed effective improvement in competency barriers using XR-based multimodal interactive platforms. However, Mixed Reality (MR) technology still requires further development. Future research should explore multimsodal interaction technologies combining XR and AI, optimize models, prioritize the development of MR intervention scenarios, and sustain an optimal intervention level.

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