
The application of computer technology in the field of education can bring about great changes, not only the application of computer as a tool, but also includes the development of network technology based on computer technology, mobile phone terminal application technology, and use network technology as a supporting structure, to promote the invention and use of online teaching platform and a variety of mobile education software. According to their purpose and function designed, they can be classified to three parts, it will be the systems to manage teaching progress, learning activities, communicate platform and results database. Application of computer technology in art education has experienced the "Internet popularity - start layout - application platform - -smart campus" overall construction stage, showing a new look of "Internet + art education" in China. Compared with traditional educational means, they all make Chinese art education more vivid, cordial and interactive, although there are still many problems in the application of computer technology to art education, in the future of 5G technology mature, big data and digital technology, there will be more new computer technologies and new computer technology achievements applied to art education, will bring more promotion and possibilities to the education industry.

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