
ABSTRACT Speaking up for patient safety is a well-documented, complex communication interaction, which is challenging both to teach and to implement into practice. In this study we used Communication Accommodation Theory to explore receivers’ perceptions and their self-reported behaviors during an actual speaking up interaction in a health context. Intergroup dynamics were evident across interactions. Where seniority of the participants was salient, the within-profession interactions had more influence on the receiver’s initial reactions and overall evaluation of the message, compared to the between profession interactions. Most of the seniority salient interactions occurred down the hierarchy, where a more senior professional ingroup member delivered the speaking up message to a more junior receiver. These senior speaker interactions elicited fear and impeded the receiver’s voice. We found that nurses/midwives and allied health clinicians reported using different communication behaviors in speaking up interactions. We propose that the term “speaking up” be changed, to emphasize receivers’ reactions when they are spoken up to, to help receivers engage in more mutually beneficial communication strategies.

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