
We are living in the age recently everything is going to be digital in recent times, so it is not surprise to see the in the digital art, as today art has become another concept as a result of the use of modern programs and media, and this resulted in digital art in all its forms, which gave art the plastic potential that expresses the spirit of this era. Several computer-based drawing programs have appeared, similar to the Adobe series, which help produce high-quality graphics that are short for time and effort, as digital systems are introduced into the computer for processing and transformed into artistic designs, so it has become known as digital arts has emerged, which is the arts that use the computer in the production of works and take their resources From the scanner, which is a method by which a lot of information and data can be entered into the computer To process them and turn them into artistic designs and turn them into an image, such as photographs and Hand drawing. and then modify them, using the latest programs of what has become the talk about Modern Artists Talk about modern artists in the modern era, which led to the use of the latest plastic solutions in different artistic fields and different methods in one After the study, the research has found new solutions that are in line with the spirit of the times in which we live in order for these solutions to be a link between the two fields of art and technology and to confirm the creative interdependence and integration between textile printing design and modern digital technology, considering the design of printed textile hanging fabrics is one of the most important areas of application and making use of them functionally. And aesthetically pleasing, in creating contemporary designs for weaving pendants and drawing inspiration from the decorations of the Nubian house by applying variables of one of the modern forms of digital art, which is the art of Giltch

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