
AbstractThe national demand for social justice, racial equality, and criminal justice reform rightfully and painfully continues to sweep the consciousness of this nation. Community colleges were founded on educational excellence, opportunity, and access and should reflect principles of equity, justice, and community. This mission calls upon us, the most egalitarian institutions, to lead by example by making structural and permanent changes to root out the ill effects of racism and bias from our classrooms, curriculum, and workplace. In this paper, we examined equity‐minded leadership, culture, and climate at the Los Angeles Community College District, the nation's largest, and their efforts to transform their institutions, guided by their Framework for Racial Equity and Social Justice. The Framework speaks to the values of the District and directs specific action steps and commitments that will allow the colleges and District to actively build anti‐racist organizational capacity and resilience and move forward towards a more socially and racially‐just academic community.

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