
Indicators are useful working tools for the plans to monitor their progress as well as to check ex-post the results achieved. There is a large corpus of indicators, both at European and national Italian levels which designers and planners can refer to. However, it is worth verifying the effectiveness of general validity parameters when applied to a specific limited territorial area. This paper faces this problem, with a focus to the Energy and Environmental Plan of the Sicilian Region (PEARS) and compares the themes proposed at the European (Eurostat) and the Italian national (ISPRA) levels with those adopted for the enforcement of PEARS. The Headlines indicators (Eurostat) are here used as an instrument measuring the applicability at a regional level in order to verify the degree of achievement of the objectives proposed by PEARS. The comparison shows that the top-down scheme is unable to verify the results achieved. The indicators must be rather selected more in detail according to a buttom-up scheme able to understand in depth the need of the area under examination.

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