
Tabled 1Day 0–2Day 3–7Day>7MeanSEMMeanSEMMeanSEMP ValueLVDD (A) (mm)36.41.435.21.933.12.20.53LVDD (M) (mm)33.21.528. (B) (mm)41.51.541. (A) (mm)29.61.627.61.916.72.90.0002LVSD (M) (mm)31.31.5282.523.22.70.029LVSD (B) (mm)291.727.51.525.71.70.4FS (A) (%)19.52.922. (M) (%)27.22.733.94.946.74.70.003FS (B) (%)32.42.934.42.8392.70.27EDV (mm3)88.75.992.76.886.78.50.85ESV (mm3)59.44.647.45.339.76.60.03EF (%)3435065630.0003LVDD=LV end diastolic diameter; LVSD=LV end systolic diameter; FS=fractional shortening; EDV=end diastolic volume; ESV=end systolic volume; EF=ejection fraction; A=apex; M=mid-ventricular; B=base; SEM=standard error of mean Open table in a new tab LVDD=LV end diastolic diameter; LVSD=LV end systolic diameter; FS=fractional shortening; EDV=end diastolic volume; ESV=end systolic volume; EF=ejection fraction; A=apex; M=mid-ventricular; B=base; SEM=standard error of mean

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