
In a previous experiment reported by the writers22Davis, D. E.,and J. R. Beach. A study of the relative value of certain root crops and salmon oil as sources of vitamin A for poultry. Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 412, 1–15, 1926. in 1926, a commercial oil, extracted from cannery refuse consisting of heads, tails, fins and viscera (including the livers) of salmon, was found to compare favorably with cod liver oil and greens as a source of vitamin A for poultry. That experiment was followed by the one33A brief summary of this experiment appeared in the Report of the Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1925–26, p. 92. reported in this paper to determine if the salmon oil also contained vitamin D.For this experiment, fifty chicks, three days old, were divided into two groups of twenty-five each, and placed in a brooder-house which was divided, by a wire partition, into two pens. Light was admitted through large glass windows in the front of the house.The feed supplied during the first week was a scratch grain mixture, consisting of equal parts of wheat, granulated yellow corn, and steel cut oats, which was fed three times daily. The feeding of scratch grain was .

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