
ABSTRACT In the problem of steady free fall on to a standing shockwave around a central mass, the ‘antesonic’ condition limits the regime of stable accretion to $c_T^2/v_\mathrm{esc}^2\le 3/16$, where cT is the isothermal sound speed in the subsonic post-shock flow, and vesc is the escape velocity at the shock radius. Above this limit, it is impossible to satisfy both the Euler equation and the shock jump conditions, and the system transitions to a wind. This physics explains the existence of a critical neutrino luminosity in steady-state models of accretion in the context of core-collapse supernovae. Here, we extend the antesonic condition to flows with rotation and turbulence using a simple one-dimensional formalism. Both effects decrease the critical post-shock sound speed required for explosion. While quite rapid rotation is required for a significant change to the critical condition, we show that the level of turbulence typically achieved in supernova simulations can greatly impact the critical value of $c_T^2/v_\mathrm{esc}^2$. A core angular velocity corresponding to a millisecond rotation period after contraction of the proto-neutron star results in only a ∼5 per cent reduction of the critical curve. In contrast, near-sonic turbulence with specific turbulent kinetic energy $K/c_T^2=0.5-1$, leads to a decrease in the critical value of $c_T^2/v_{\rm esc}^2$ by ∼20 to 40 per cent. This analysis provides a framework for understanding the role of post-shock turbulence in instigating explosions in models that would otherwise fail and helps explain why multidimensional simulations explode more easily than their one-dimensional counterparts.

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