
Part 1 The Antarctic Treaty System - goals, performance and inmpact, Christopher D.Beeby experiences from the Convention on Living Resources and Assessment, Francisco Orrega Vicuna has CCAMLR worked? - management policies and ecological needs, John Heap CCAMLR - the practical implications of an eco-system approach, M.Basson and J.R.Beddington CCAMLR - a critical assessment, J.P.Puissochet. Part 2 The mineral convention (CRAMRA) as a management tool: the mineral potential of Antarctica - the state of the art, Geoffrey Larmine negotiating a new regime - how CRAMRA came into existence, Rolf Trolle Andersen the design of CRAMRA - how appropriate for the protection of the environment?, Alan D.Brown the unfinished task - CRAMRA and the question of liability, Rudiger Wolfrum CRAMRA and other environmental regimes in the ATS - how well does it fit?, Lee Kimball. Part 3 Resource management and the ATS at large - Antarctica and its place in the contemporary environmental movement, Sveneld Evteev Antarctica and its place in the changing profile of science in Antarctica - a growing pressure for relevance?, Tucker Scully SCAR in the ATS - conflict or harmony?, Carlos A.Rinaldi CRAMRA - the ugly duckling of the ATS?, Christopher Joyner protection of the environment in Antarctica - are present regimes enough?, James Barnes the resource conventions implemented - consequences for the sovereignty issue, Peter Beck the changing role of Antarctic science, Anders Karlquist resource management - perceptions and misperceptions, Ian Nicholson.

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