
The temperature dependence of the resistivityρab(T) and the Hallcoefficient RH(T) for a series of Y Ba2(Cu1−xCox)3O6.90 (x = 0.0, 0.01,0.02) and Y Ba2(Cu1−yZny)3O6.90 (y = 0.005, 0.01) thin films is reported. In Co doped samples, we find a deviation inρab(T) from T-linear behaviour due to the opening of a pseudogap, at and 225 K respectively. But for Zn doped films,ρab(T) shows no deviation from linearity in the normal state. Another characteristic temperature lying between Tc andT* is obtained fromthe measurement of RH(T). It is found that T0 increases with Co doping, but is almost unaffected by the Zn concentration. Wetentatively relate the upward deviation of the cotangent of the Hall angle(cotθH) from theT2 dependencebelow T0 to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments and drawthe conclusion that this deviation is also caused by the opening of a pseudogap.

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