
Abstract This article presents a first look at some of the key sources and hypotheses of ongoing research on a significant yet ill-studied figure in late antique Egyptian-Christian piety: The “Angel of the Altar,” or “of the Topos,” and later “of the Sacrifice” as he is still invoked in the Coptic liturgy today. Since the 4th century, church canons and literary works aiming to instill fear of the altar in monks and clerics warn of the angel guarding it, who can only be seen by monastic and clerical leaders in visions which become a common feature of post-Chalcedonian Coptic homiletics. This angel figure is identified with God’s destructive power defending the ark/altar/temple in the Old Testament. The “Angel of the Altar” also has the crucial liturgical function of lifting the Eucharistic offering to God. He is even considered the true dispenser or withholder of the Eucharist, overshadowing and potentially nullifying the actions of the priest. Originally an impersonal figure, he is sometimes identified with the specific archangel assigned to the church in question, such as Michael or Raphael. In a further step, it seems that some monastic communities who built their corporate identities on the fame of their respective patron saint began to identify the latter with the “Angel of the Altar,” appropriating the concept for the cult of saints. Documentary papyri show how monastic leaders invoked the Angel as superhuman punisher and blesser in the economic interest of the monastery. It is probably in this context that the variant “Angel of the Topos” emerged, amounting to what seems to be the only technical term for “patron saint of a place” in Coptic.

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