
Etruscans, people living in Etruria (Umbria and Tuscany, Italy), were the first to make dentures and false teeth, from 700 BCE onwards. The aim of this study was to investigate, through archaeological and anthropological records, the Etruscans ability in dental practice to understand better Greek's influence on their medical knowledge and, subsequently, the transmission of their medical expertise to Romans. We extensively searched literature to find out references in previous studies on Etruscan medical and dental practice by using keywords such as "Etruscan medicine" and "Etruscan dentistry." We selected various historical papers, from the ancient age texts of 5th century to 2020, which best focused on the review's purpose. Etruscan civilization was influenced by Greek's culture throughout Italian colonies and later "merge" into Greek-Roman culture. Their medical practice based on a mixture of mythology, religion, and technical abilities, especially regarding metalworking. Archaeological remains show a great competence in creating dental prosthesis and in treatment of oral diseases. The results of this paper provide an evident contribution to the knowledge of Etruscan culture, still largely unknown by an anthropological point of view, and their strong relationship with the Greeks colonies, in a profitable cultural exchange.

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