
The Ancient Greek Sophists occupy a very important and a unique period in Western civilization, scholars are not certain if they should be considered as philosophers. This is largely due to their mode of operation. They were considered as corrupt people who made their way out of every opportunity at the detriment of others. Christianity in the 21st Century has taken a new dimension in several churches around the world; many contemporary preachers of the gospel have mastered the acts of preaching to convince their gullible followers into trusting and believing their teachings. On a daily basis people are falling prey to corrupt and unrealistic doctrines such as prosperity and healing. This has become easily possible because people, mostly Africans are going through very many difficult situations, they have grown ardent desires to better their lives, and perhaps prosperity gospel seems to be glaring opportunity to achieve such desires. Prosperity theology is commonly a part of the televangelist, Charismatic, and Pentecostal churches. Prosperity theology makes the claim that God wants Christians to be abundantly successful in every way including financially. This study seeks to draw a comparative study of the ancient Greek Sophists with our contemporary preachers, which many seem to be masters of all like the sophists. The study employs historical and analytic methods of research. The study concludes that people will always be deceived and manipulated by their desires or longings.

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