
In the adult male Saguinus fuscicollis, the scrotal skin and the area above the root of the penis are raised in a sharply defined cushion, which extends cranially into a rectangular suprapubic pad. The circumgenital area of the adult female resembles that of the male, except that the suprapubic pad is relatively and absolutely larger. A complex glandular organ, composed of holocrine and apocrine glands, is located beneath the epidermis of the circumgenital skin. In males, specialized holocrine glands associated with hair follicles predominate. They form a layer, 2‐3 mm deep beneath the epidermis. These holocrine glands have a complex alveolar structure and possess numerously branched excretory ducts. Each group of glands empties into a common duct which enters the hair follicle. In males, the apocrine glands are located predominantly at the periphery of the glandular pad and between the scrotal and perineal areas. The excretory ducts of most apocrine glands empty on to the skin surface in close spatial association with hair follicles. However, independent openings were also observed. In females, the specialized holocrine glands resemble those of males but are more frequently interspersed with apocrine glands. The apocrine glands are larger and much more numerous than in males, especially in the region of the labia majora. Gonadectomy of an adult male and female resulted in a reduction in the size of the holocrine glands but had much less effect on the apocrine glands of the scent organ. In addition, the sexual dimorphism in gland histology was retained years after castration.

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