
The anatomy of the bark of Agathis australis, which is indigenous to New Zealand, is described. The phloem cell types include sieve cells, axial and ray parenchyma, fibres and sclereids. Resin canals are found in the primary cortex, phloem and phelloderm. Large crystals are found in the lumina of some sieve cells and axial parenchyma cells, while minute crystals (crystal sand) are observed in the walls of phe1- loderm cells and complementary tissue cells. The primary cortex persists on the stem for a long time. The shape of phellem and phelloderm cells cut off by phellogen derived from cortical cells are different from those cut off by phellogen derived from phloem parenchyma cells. A trabecula was observed in a radial row of phellem cells.

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