
Non-global logarithms (NGLs) are the leading manifestation of correlations between distinct phase space regions in QCD and gauge theories and have proven a challenge to understand using traditional resummation techniques. Recently, the dressed gluon expansion was introduced that enables an expansion of the NGL series in terms of a "dressed gluon" building block, defined by an all-orders factorization theorem. Here, we clarify the nature of the dressed gluon expansion, and prove that it has an infinite radius of convergence as a solution to the leading logarithmic and large-$N_c$ master equation for NGLs, the Banfi-Marchesini-Smye (BMS) equation. The dressed gluon expansion therefore provides an expansion of the NGL series that can be truncated at any order, with reliable uncertainty estimates. In contrast, manifest in the results of the fixed-order expansion of the BMS equation up to 12-loops is a breakdown of convergence at a finite value of $\alpha_s$log. We explain this finite radius of convergence using the dressed gluon expansion, showing how the dynamics of the buffer region, a region of phase space near the boundary of the jet that was identified in early studies of NGLs, leads to large contributions to the fixed order expansion. We also use the dressed gluon expansion to discuss the convergence of the next-to-leading NGL series, and the role of collinear logarithms that appear at this order. Finally, we show how an understanding of the analytic behavior obtained from the dressed gluon expansion allows us to improve the fixed order NGL series using conformal transformations to extend the domain of analyticity. This allows us to calculate the NGL distribution for all values of $\alpha_s$log from the coefficients of the fixed order expansion.


  • Is defined by an all-orders factorization theorem, whose associated resummation, dictated by renormalization group evolution, dresses the jet with an infinite number of unresolved gluons

  • We clarify the nature of the dressed gluon expansion, and prove that it has an infinite radius of convergence as a solution to the leading logarithmic and large-Nc master equation for Non-global logarithms (NGLs), the Banfi-Marchesini-Smye (BMS) equation

  • Manifest in the results of the fixed-order expansion of the BMS equation up to 12-loops is a breakdown of convergence at a finite value of αslog. We explain this finite radius of convergence using the dressed gluon expansion, showing how the dynamics of the buffer region, a region of phase space near the boundary of the jet that was identified in early studies of NGLs, leads to large contributions to the fixed order expansion

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Physics of non-global logarithms and the BMS equation

To set the stage for establishing the convergence of the dressed gluon expansion, we review the physics of NGLs and their leading-logarithmic and leading-color resummation as described by the BMS equation. Logarithms of the ratio of the two scales, log(mH /mL) in the perturbative expansion The resummation of these large logarithms requires tracking all emissions in the left hemisphere, and the NGLs do not organize themselves into a Sudakov. A variety of approaches exist in the literature for the resummation of NGLs, each of which requires in some form, the tracking of an infinite number of emissions to get the complete leading logarithmic series. The presence of the jet boundary in the BMS case, which leads to the buffer region and its associated phenomena, gives rise to significantly different behavior for the solution as compared with the case of forward scattering

The dressed gluon expansion
Successive approximations and convergent expansions
Fixed order expansions versus successive approximations
The dressed gluon expansion as successive approximations
Convergence of the dressed gluon expansion
The space of dipole functions
The collinearly regulated BMS equation
Bounding the collinearly regulated BMS kernel
Removing the collinear regulator
Breakdown of the fixed-order expansion for non-global logarithms
Logarithmic singularities in the NGL distribution
The role of the buffer region and boundary soft resummation
Collinear effects at next-to-leading logarithm
Improving the fixed order perturbative convergence
A Uabj for hemispherical jets
B Collinear resummation of angle to edge of jet
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