
In this study, we revisit the fundamentals of constant–flux dead–end filtration, develop an analytical solution of the interfacial concentration ϕmτRo as a function of dimensionless time τ and observed rejection Ro, and compare the solution with previous work developed for constant intrinsic rejection, Ri. The excessive concentration, ϕmτRo−1, consists of three nonlinear terms of τ and reaches 4Roτ in an asymptotic limit of τ>1/2. We apply the Robin (mixed) and Dirichlet boundary conditions on the membrane surface and at a far feed–entrance, respectively. The mathematical difficulties for the inverse Laplace transform are resolved using a linear combination of the Laplace transform of error and complementary error functions and applying the convolution theorem. We analytically obtain the unsteady variation of the interfacial concentration after the pressure release using the global mass balance and numerically calculate the required time to reduce the interfacial concentration to a specific limit. More importantly, a relationship between observed and intrinsic rejection ratios is found, such as, Ro≃Ri, and verified using experimental data from the literature.

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